Parking Lot Striping Cost Calculator

Do you need help developing a budget for your lot striping project? Our new lot striping cost calculator can give you a better idea of how much you can expect to pay to improve your property. Striping is vital in keeping your parking lot safe, efficient and accessible, directly benefiting your business. 

The costs involved with striping a brand-new parking lot vary. Many factors come into play, and it’s impossible to cover every possible scenario with a new lot striping cost calculator. However, our calculator will give you more insight and transparency, removing some guesswork while allowing you to budget accordingly.

What Are Some Common Expenses to Consider When Using the Parking Lot Striping Cost Calculator?

Our calculator is a tool that can help you get a general idea of how much you can expect to pay for your striping project. It’s not a comprehensive quote or a contract price. If you want more detailed information, the best thing you can do is reach out to the Second Line Striping team for a consultation and free quote.

In the meantime, our calculator makes it easy to develop a budget that covers all your bases. Here is an average pricing list of common striping features and installations you can use to calculate the costs of improving your parking lot.

  • Average Cost Per Parking Stall: $15.00
  • Average Cost Per Handicap/Accessible Stall: $115.00
  • Average Cost Per Crosswalk: $216.00
  • Fire Lane Coverage: $2.16 per foot
  • Arrows: $25.00 each
  • Stop Bars: $50.00 each
  • Parking Bumpers: $25.00 each
  • Curb : $1.00 per foot
  • Bollards: $35.00 each

What Additional Expenses Aren’t Included in the New Lot Striping Calculator?

Our pricing calculator covers the average cost of individual features we can install or paint. While it can be useful for budgeting and planning, the calculator doesn’t cover all potential variables. Many factors can influence total parking lot striping costs. Here are some of the biggest.

  • Parking Lot Size: The overall square footage of your parking lot will make a difference. Larger lots require more paint, time and labor to stripe, driving up costs.
  • Parking Lot Design: More complex layouts with features like angled spots, islands, medians, dedicated lanes and various stall sizes take more time and labor to complete.
  • Accessibility: Parking lots that are difficult to access may require specialty equipment or have additional challenges to overcome.
  • Paint Formula: Many paint formulas are available, and they vary in durability and price. Higher-quality paints offer better visibility and longevity but have higher upfront costs.
  • Coats Required: Parking lots that require multiple coats of paint will incur more costs. Typically, additional coats are necessary after sealcoating or when using low-quality paint formulas.

Why Choose Second Line Striping?

At Second Line Striping, we’re committed to helping you make an informed decision about your property and needs. We prioritize full pricing transparency and communication. Second Line Striping is ready to take care of your parking lot. We offer new parking lot striping, restriping, thermoplastic paint, cleaning and other services.

For more precise pricing information, call the Second Line Striping team at (225)331-0062 for a free, no-obligation quote. You can also email us at or reach out through our online contact form.
