What Are the Signs You Need Striping in Baton RougeWhat Are The Signs That You Need Striping in Baton Rouge

Well-placed and highly visible striping benefits your parking lot in countless ways. Fresh striping looks great, enhances safety and improves traffic efficiency. Unfortunately, striping in Baton Rouge doesn’t last forever! Over time, weather exposure and wear will cause parking lot striping to fade. When that happens, you must hire a contractor with experience in striping parking lots to refresh them. But how do you know it’s time to get parking lot painting services? Here are several telltale signs.

How Faded Is Too Faded for Striping in Baton Rouge?

Faded lines are a major problem for your parking lot. Drivers and pedestrians look to striping to navigate your property safely. It keeps everyone aware of their surroundings while taking advantage of your lot’s functionality. When Baton Rouge lot striping fades, the risk of accidents and injuries increases. Difficult-to-see Baton Rouge striping also exposes you to liability issues and penalties for code non-compliance.

Parking lot striping companies recommend service once markings lose 25 percent of their visibility. For standard solvent-based or water-based paints, that’s around 18 to 25 months after parking lot painting. It doesn’t seem like much, but a 25 percent dip in visibility can cause many issues. You may notice the colors become dull, and nighttime visibility becomes challenging. When that happens, contact parking lot striping companies as soon as possible.

How Can I Tell That Drivers Are Struggling to See Striping?

If the fading of Baton Rouge striping isn’t obvious to you, look toward drivers’ behavior. Low visibility can cause people to make inadvertent parking and driving mistakes. Here are some examples.

•Sloppy Parking: Your parking lot striping defines the boundaries of every available spot. But when drivers can’t see lines, you’ll see people parking in strange ways. They may park their car over the lines, leave little room on either side or use no-parking areas. If you have angled spots, some drivers may ignore that position entirely.
•Erratic Driving: Baton Rouge lot striping also helps create specific traffic patterns. Drivers know to cruise between spots, not through them. However, without parking lot striping services, the lines can fade so much that people cut across lanes.
•Worn Stops: If you have concrete stops, you may see significantly more wear when the lines fade. When drivers can’t see the boundaries of a spot, they often move farther in than they should. As a result, they hit the stoppers, causing scuffs and chips.

Another way to know that you need parking lot painting services is frequent complaints. While not all visitors will alert you to the problem, you can guarantee that some will let you know how difficult your parking lot is to use safely.

Does Frequent Fender-Benders and Congestion Indicate the Need for Fresh Striping?

Striping parking lots before they fade too much is key to maintaining safety and efficiency. Baton Rouge striping keeps traffic moving efficiently, preventing congestion and accidents. When stripes fade, frequent fender-benders are a common problem that property owners must deal with. Accidents and congestion occur for the reasons we covered earlier. Drivers can’t see the lines, so they make simple mistakes that result in property damage, frustration and potential injuries.

If you’re seeing frequent efficiency or safety problems, it’s time to contact companies with experience in striping parking lots. Improving striping visibility makes a noticeable difference, restoring order to your parking lot.

Don’t let your parking lot striping fall by the wayside. Second Line Striping is among Baton Rouge’s most trusted parking lot striping companies. We understand how important stripes and pavement markings are to your property, so we go above and beyond to deliver outstanding results. From high-quality materials to equipment that ensures striping accuracy, you can expect the best from Second Line Striping. Our services include Baton Rouge lot striping, restriping, warehouse striping, surface cleaning and more.

Contact the Second Line Striping team today to learn more about what we do and get a free quote. You can call us at (225)331-0062, email mike@secondlinestriping.com or use our online form below.